Software Development Team

Transforms Ideas into Reality

Kyoora is a team consisting of a group of people who are highly motivated in the programming field who can provide Websites, Mobile Applications, and also create Open-Source Libraries.

We will hear out your problem and make various approaches to solve your needs.

Moreover, we create and share tips & tutorials from various programming languages, as well as open-source projects and libraries that can be developed together.

Open Source Library & Snippets

Here are some libraries that we have created

React Native

React Native Image Blur Loading

React Native component for progressive image loading. This can be used as a placeholder so that when fetching the image it will display a loading indicator or/and blurry image.


We can make various things as long as it's digital.

Web App Development

We offer specialized web development services which are functional & give a phenomenal performance.


Mobile Apps Development

There can be various types of mobile applications built to solve specific needs. We can rapidly build and deploy mobile applications that solve the most common pain points for business.


UI / UX Design

We offer flexible options with attractive and interactive designs.


Our team of qualified professionals is dedicated towards Design, Development, Implementation, and prioritize SEO friendly.


Janaka Jati Lasmana

Senior Mobile Apps & Frontend Developer


Aris Arisandi

Senior Fullstack Developer


Mohammad Isa

Backend Developer

Contact Us

Need more info about Kyoora? or you want to join with us? just drop us an email ;)